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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lost Vegas - French Cover

It's official! Lost Vegas is now available in French. Here's the French cover of Lost Vegas...

And here's the page for the French version of Lost Vegas (translated by Benjo).

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Either this book is selling better than I've been led to believe on your pod, or you got a Vietnamese hooker you met at the Commerce to translate it in exchange for a steady supply of oxy...whatever. I'm sure the truth is stranger than anything my feverish imagination can concoct.

Anyway, I got on here to see if I could contact you. It has taken me since March (when you asked me on twitter if I had any suggestions for future topics/guests on Dope Stories) to figure out how to get you my # so we could discuss my suggestions.

(No way in hell I'm giving my phone number to your 7204 twitter followers, or my 66, or the rest of the twitterverse)

Anyway, please call me when you get this, at (254)423-0017. This may appear sketchy, because I am using my wife's email, but I am

Gary J. Cooper, aka
roQQboTTomm, aka

Anyway, you revel in sketchiness...take the red pill, get down the rabbit hole, & call me.