"McGuire’s love/hate relationship with Sin City is a recurring theme and anyone who has ever spent any length of time there will empathise easily scratch beneath the bright lights of the big city and sadness and loneliness are never far away. Nor is irony, gallows humour, and the plain outrageous." - Brendan Murray, CardPlayer Europe
"Lost Vegas additionally provides an insightful commentary on Las Vegas, circa early-21st century, that most intriguing American city that so often seems to provide the perfect context in which to demonstrate life's many absurdities." - Martin Harris, Same Difference
"I don't fault the few people who think Pauly fictionalizes his life. If I hadn’t seen a lot of it, I'd call shenanigans, too. However, as an occasional character in his misadventures, I can point to my mild liver damage and need for serious therapy as proof Pauly writes the truth. It's not always pretty, it's often disturbing, and it's bound to leave you slightly scarred, but it’s real. He also tosses a mean lime." - Brad 'Otis' Willis, Rapid Eye Reality
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"Pauly not only gives us his unique take on the bright lights and fast money of the Vegas we all know, but he illuminates the dark corners we don't, or don't want to, see with his driving prose, original voice and impeccable eye for detail." - Joe Speaker
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"Pauly has the chameleon-like ability to be the fly on the wall, or the eye of the hurricane when it comes to the crazy stuff that goes on in the poker world. Some in poker will want to hide when Lost Vegas comes out, some will crave the attention, but everyone will read it as soon as they can get their hands on it." - John Caldwell, (Former) Editor in Chief of PokerNews.com
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"If you don't know what 'WAKE UP AND RAGE!' means... well, you will after reading this book." - The Joker, Coventry Music
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"I've spent a lot of time in Las Vegas and a lot of that time late at night in some casino or bar. I've seen my share of the seedy underbelly of Sin City. As a psychologist I sometimes even write about what I observe; from a professional distance, of course! Dr. Pauly on the other hand swims in the muck, talks to the animals and spins tales that only the deeply involved can experience. Truth is definitely stranger than fiction in Pauly's Lost Vegas." - Dr. Tim Lavalli, co-author of Check-Raising the Devil
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"Paul McGuire is one my all-time favorite stylist American writers for fiction, non-fiction, and his comic, travel misadventures. He is a mix of O'Henry, Jack Kerouac, and Charles Bukowski. Lost Vegas is a metaphor for the watershed cultural, economic, social, and ethical changes we face in these times of scary uncertainty. Hooray for Paul McGuire's thought-provoking comedy. It will leave you wanting to read more and more." - Johnny Hughes, author of Texas Poker Wisdom
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"The REAL World Series of Poker isn't what you see in one hour snippets on ESPN. It's the behind-the-scenes action and debauchery, the drunkenness, the dreams, and all the shit in between. Nobody has immersed himself in the sin of Las Vegas during the WSOP more than Dr. Pauly. His ability to personalize and tell the tales of this insanity is a unique gift and makes Lost Vegas an absolute must read. Unfortunately we don't read books. However, we've already got it in our Netflix cue when 'they' inevitably make it into a movie." - Wicked Chops Poker
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"Lost Vegas will be based on much of what we’ve been reading over the years on Tao of Poker, though I personally know the book is what Pauly’s been saving his best, so-far untold stuff for... so I'm confident every poker-industry douche insider will be eager to read what he’s been holding back." - Dan Michalski, Pokerati.com
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"There will be stories that will make you laugh and some that will shock you. But, all of them will entertain you. Lost Vegas is sure to become the next great book about America's adult playground." - AlCantHang
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"Fans of both poker and degeneracy HAVE to read this book. Pauly's life is a fantasy camp. People should PAY to live as Pauly." - Iggy from Guinness and Poker
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"Au menu : des putes, des drogués, des strip-teaseuses, des joueurs dégénérés, et encore bien d'autres accros de toute sorte, dans une ville entièrement fondée sur l'addiction." - Benjamin 'Benjo' Gallen, noted French journalist
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